Inspirational Christmas Video Quote – At Christmas.

Please enjoy another inspirational  Christmas quote for dog lovers.  If you do observe Christmas,  I hope that these Christmas quotes get you in the mood for the festive season.  Also please don’t forget the present for the dog.

With regard to the quote, I hope that you have a great time with your loved ones and if necessary repair relationships that have been broken. I’ve been there.  I remember a wise man telling me these wise words – ” The past can’t be changed. Life only moves forward “.  Take care of yourself and your pets.

Inspirational Christmas Video Quote:

At Christmas, all roads lead home....Marjorie Holmes

At Christmas, all roads lead home….. Marjorie Holmes

Marjorie Holmes: She was an American columnist who was born in Storm Lake in Iowa. She was also a best-selling author of over 130 books, many were best sellers.


May I wish you a great Christmas, above all, surrounded by those that you love.


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4 thoughts on “Inspirational Christmas Video Quote – At Christmas.”

  1. The video was short and sweet.  I never heard of Marjorie Holmes, though her quote sounds familiar.  I would like to know how you constructed the video and also what resource you used.  

    The music was appropriate and so were the children skating round the Xmas tree.  I am looking forward to more inspiring videos from you.

    All the best and thanks for sharing!

    • Stella

      Glad that you enjoyed the video and the setup of the video. I am still developing the videos and hope to have details later on, because the site itself is still developing


  2. Hello there and thank you for sharing this story with us. Christmas is always a special time for everyone celebrating and the quote you shared in the video is really amazing. It is so true, all roads lead home on Christmas. 

    Marjorie Holmes was a famous writer, I just Googled her. Thank you for introducing her to me. I will get to know her work better. As for my dog, she will get a special treatment at the dog spa nearby.

    Thank you for sharing.


    • Strahinja

      Glad you enjoyed the quote and the introduction to a great writer. Lovely as always, to hear from anothetr dog owner


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