Eco-Friendly Dog Products and Ideas – Help To Save The Planet

Dog lovers and owners can help save the planet by purchasing eco-friendly dog products.  Please consider the ideas below as we need to respect our environment and leave it safe and inhabitable for our future generations.

The content takes around 6 minutes to read, but if you are in a hurry, we have also included a table of contents below so you can see at a glance what the content is.

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Here are some simple ideas to help save the planet that you can implement that can actually impact and have a positive impact. If we all implement simple changes, like buying eco-friendly dog products it can have a profound impact, and you won’t feel that you can’t do anything to help.

In the USA alone, it is estimated that there are around 80 million dogs and around 51 million pets in the UK. In Australia,  there are nearly 5 million dogs.

1): Please Adopt and Please Don’t Shop:

Every year, shelters euthanized dogs and cats even when they can’t offer them the care they need. But adopting is the best way to help stop these unnecessary deaths. So when you adopt, you save a life and also help decrease overpopulation.

Here is a beautiful quote by Karen Davison, which sums up beautifully, what I am trying to convey.

Eco-Friendly Dog Products

Saving one dog will not change the world, but surely for that one dog, the world will change forever…….Karen Davison


2): Donate Before You Throw Things Away:

Please contact your local shelter and see if you can donate your old toys, beds, etc. They might find a good use for them.

If not, maybe your friends or other dog owners that you have contact with. This might include old collars, harnesses, or leads. Indeed, you might be surprised by the response.


3): Please Use Biodegradable Waste Bags:

When you take your dog outside for a walk or just out in the back gardens, in most cases you will have to pick up after them. Please invest in biodegradable bags, which decompose after four to five weeks. This is better for the environment, which is the main aim of this content.

It’s all about education and giving people the tools to make a difference, no matter how small.

Do not use plastic bags, which do not readily break down in the environment.  The time it takes for these types of bags to decompose can actually range from 20 to 1000 years.


4): Walk As Much As You Can With Your Pets:

Go for walks with your dog as much as you can. When appropriate, let them run in areas that are safe, as long as they come back to you. If not, be responsible and keep them on a leash.

The major benefits are that you both will get much-needed fresh air and exercise, plus you are helping the planet, by cutting down on fuel consumption and fuel emissions.

Best Eco-Friendly Dog Products


5): Please Buy Eco-Friendly Pet Care Products:

When buying pet care products such as cleaning and shampoo items, please examine the ingredients. Most of us don’t. Most of us care about what type of products we use in our home, please try to apply these rules, when thinking about our pets and caring for them. Try and buy eco-friendly dog products to do your bit to help save the planet.

Again, as I have said and I don’t mind repeating, it’s all about education.


6): Buy Eco-Friendly Toys:

Did you know that you can create your own pet toys from things like stuffed animals or old balls? However, if you want to buy your pet a new toy, please try to purchase Eco-friendly toys, those which are not harmful to the environment.

Above all. please stay away from plastic materials. As stated above, it can take up to 1000 years to decompose.


Some Fun Facts On How Dogs Are Helping Our Planet:


They Use The Restroom Of Nature:

Dogs save water and energy by using the great outdoors. No need for fancy bathrooms, fancy soaps, or hand cleaners.

 They Enrich The Environment:

When they bury their bones or their food, they need to dig and by exposing the soil to the air, they help renew and enrich our environment.

They Reduce The Methane:

Yes. Dogs eat poop. Through research, it has been found that our pets turn to poop eating ( also known as coprophagia) due to nutritional deficiencies in their diets.

However, the benefits are, that they are actually reducing methane and also helping to clean up the earth.


Important Information:

eco friendly dog products -global warming

Global warming is simply the increased global temperature of the planet Earth as a result of human activity. There are many natural causes of global warming as well, including the change in the Earth’s orbit around the sun, the result of human activity, and the increase in the amount of heat-trapping gasses in the atmosphere.

All of these natural factors are playing a part in the increased global temperature of the planet but only human activity is believed to be the cause of the most recent climate change.

Increased Concentration Of Carbon Dioxide:

While natural causes still play a major role in climate change, the increased concentration of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, as a result of human activity is believed to be the primary cause of the problem.

In addition to carbon dioxide, other greenhouse gases that are increasing in the Earth’s atmosphere include methane, nitrous oxide, carbon monoxide, radon gas, and sunlight. As these gases accumulate in the atmosphere, the amount of heat-trapping gasses is also increasing causing the planet to warm up.

Despite what some people have said, I prefer to listen to people, like the respected business magnate, author and philanthropist called Richard Branson, when he says:

Eco Friendly Dog Products - We need every person on Earth to acknowledge that climate change is real and encourage each other and our leaders to address the challenge............Richard Branson

We need every person on Earth to acknowledge that climate change is real and encourage each other and our leaders to address the challenge…… Richard Branson



Related Article:

Best Eco-Friendly Products

Estimated reading time: 6 minutes

2 thoughts on “Eco-Friendly Dog Products and Ideas – Help To Save The Planet”

  1. Living in Germany, recycling is always a big consideration and with that we changed over from the standard black bags to bio degradable ones. The biodegradable ones are lightly scented which makes cleaning up just that little bit better. 

    We have also stopped buying the while skin chews as these I have learnt are a byproduct from the leather industry and are hazardous to both the environment and our dog as they contain a number of harmful chemicals used to bleach and produce leather. Its important for both the health of your dog and the environment that natural alternatives are sought out as this will pay dividend in the long run.


    • Rich

      Thank you kindly for your post. i just love to hear from people in other countries, who kindly share their stories.

      I couldn,t agree more with you – ”  Its important for both the health of your dog and the environment that natural alternatives are sought out as this will pay dividend in the long run.


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