Inspirational Dog Quote For Dog Lovers – The Kindness…

The following inspirational dog quote for dog lovers, in video and picture formats, will help to inspire and remind you how great it is to have a dog, especially a rescue dog. Also, as the health benefits that it can bring to our lives.

With regard to the quote, I can’t agree more with it. As one who has been involved in the rescue of dogs, some from terrible conditions, I am constantly amazed by how loving they are, despite the horrible conditions and treatment they have come from. We should all strive to achieve this level of kindness.

Fun Fact: Over 90% of pet owners say their pet makes them smile more than once a day.


Inspirational Video Dog Quote:

Inspirational Picture Dog Quote:

inspirational dog quote

You can stand by the kindness of a dog how a human should be…Captain Beefheart

Captain Beefheart: He was an American singer and songwriter, who was born in Glendale, California. His music was a blend of blues and rock. He played with his friend Frank Zappa in a band called the Magic Band.


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