We love our dogs dearly. However, as in all relationships, we encounter problems, big and small. There are some dog problems that only dog owners would understand and relate to. I can relate to most of them.
After all, they are part of the family and we are so blessed for having them. As I have said already, I am a far better person for having them around.
The content takes around 8 minutes to read, but if you are in a hurry, we have also included a table of contents below so you can see at a glance what the content is.
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Table Of Contents
1). Your Own Food Being Stolen:
In fact, just last week, one of the dogs, climbed up on the stool, then up onto the island in the kitchen and eat the Sunday lunch which was a roast. You think she was never fed. My God, she was lucky I couldn’t catch her.
I wonder if you can beat that.
2). Early Morning Walks In The Cold:

I know that one of the major health benefits that your dog will bring is an important exercise, which helps combat the major problem of obesity in our society.
Besides keeping you active, walks and exercise help with depression and also help to reduce stress. In some cases, it actually gives some pet owners a reason for daily living.
But the majority of us are not too fond of the idea, because if it’s bloody freezing, you can guarantee that he will stop and sniff at every spot, on your walk around the neighborhood.
3). Drool or Pee On The Sofa:
When you get home from a long day and you just want to chill out on your favorite spot on the sofa. Oops, what is that drool or why is it wet on the sofa?
4). Did You Bring That Poo Bag:
He has just done a poo on the walk and you can’t find the eco poo bag. You are positive that you brought them, you really are. What are you going to do? You don’t want to pay a fine, as they are always people around and you feel that they are watching you.
5). The Cost Of Vet Visits and Groomers:
They are your life and an important part of your family. You can’t imagine life without him, because your life has changed so much for the better. You would give your last penny to take care of him, no matter what the cost of the visits to the groomers or vets. This goes for most dog owners.
It’s so important to have the right pet insurance taken out on your pet. Great if you don’t need it, but a lifesaver when you do.
6). Weekend Mornings – No Lie In:
We are all human and we all need a lie-in sometimes, especially at the weekends.
However, your dog, much like your kids, has other ideas, such as I need out to have a pee. When you gotta go, you gotta go.
7). There’s Fur Everywhere:
It’s all over the house, the car, the bed. You didn’t think that they shed that much, but your favorite dress or coat has a layer of fur or something else all over it. As dog owners, you accept it as part of the deal.
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8). You Have To Go Out:
You have to leave home for a while. He’s already given you that look and received a biscuit. Now comes the sad eyes. You are leaving your best friend and they can make you feel so guilty.
9). Warning – Wet Dog Entering:
There’s such a unique smell when your dog enters the house, after being out in the rain. Don’t go too close with your good clothes on, when he is shaking himself off. As a bonus, he leaves his paw prints on the floor and on the furniture.
It reminds you to get a raincoat for the walks in the rain. In addition to keeping him dry, it prevents his temperature from getting too low, which could then bring on health issues.
10). He Wouldn’t Hurt a Fly, But That Bark Sound So Vicious:

When someone comes to the door, such as the postman or delivery person, you swear you do have a different dog.
He appears now to be the alpha dog and is protecting your home from all intruders. You sometimes have to apologize for his behavior, because you say that it’s so out of character.
Been there myself, too many times, with our dogs.
11). New Shoes Chewed:
I remember when we were just married and my wife had bought new shoes that she had wanted and admired.
We came home to find one chewed to bits. It was a touch of separation anxiety for a new dog in new surroundings. The relationship was a bit frayed for a while ( excuse the pun)
12). Enough Walking For Now:
I remember when this first happened like it was yesterday. My wife had bought the dog a new coat for the cold nights. She walked about 3 blocks from our home and just sat down and dug the heels in. She was not going any further. It had never happened before. It’s so funny thinking back on it.
Another new dog, we took on a long walk in order to get her used to different surroundings. About halfway around, she just sat down and cried. Had to carry her all the way home.
13). Sometimes It’s Like A Major Operation Taking Them Out:
Sometimes we never realize the planning that we do to make sure that they get out for their walks. We re-arrange other important things in order that our precious pet will be accommodated.
14). My Socks Keep Going Missing:
One of the dogs keeps taking my socks for comfort. I keep finding them in his bed or down the side of the sofa where he lies. The pet needs comfort and you would do anything for him.
15). Keep Checking What Is In The Mouth:
We have to keep checking what one of the dogs is chewing or eating now. She has a fascination with paper or cardboard. The letters get a good going over. Don’t mind the bills, but when you are expecting something important, then it’s bloody inconvenient.
16). No Room In The Bed:

You find that you can’t spread out and get relaxed in your bed when he’s sleeping with you. You don’t mind sleeping on the edge in order that he is comfortable.
A recent survey by Insurer Animal Friends found that around 50% of British Pet Owners let their dog sleep with them.
17). You’re Talking To Him In Public:
You have finally arrived when you start talking to your dog in public and you really don’t care.
It’s embarrassing when you start asking him if he will cease going again, or ask his advice on what you should do about your husband because he’s so bloody annoying at this moment in time.
No wonder we call them our children. “Look Mom or Dad is home”. Do you talk to your talk like this?
18). The Vacuum Scares The Crap Out Of The Dog:
Our new dog just does not like the vacuum. He kind of freaks out every time you come near to him when you are vacuuming. He just does not like the bloody thing and I am nearly sure that if he could get this thing on its own, there would be murder committed.
19). The Embarrassing Behavior When Passing or Approaching Another Dog:
It’s was embarrassing. One of our previous just constantly barked at other dogs that were approaching when we are out a walk. You always felt the need to apologize, smile, and quickly move on. As dog owners, most of us have encountered this scenario.
Make sure to check out today’s deals to SAVE money on dog products by clicking on the graphic below. This post contains affiliate links and I will be compensated if you make a purchase after clicking on my links.
Disclaimer: All material on this website is provided for your information only and may not be construed as medical advice. No action or inaction should be taken based solely on the contents of this information; instead, readers should consult appropriate health professionals or veterinarians on any matter relating to their dog’s health and well-being. The publisher is not responsible for errors or omissions.
Estimated reading time: 8 minutes
Hi! Wow, I can relate to many of these problems! My dog peed on the floor, carpet, sofa whenever he is mad. He is super scared by the vacuum. I have no room in the bed, he just slept on my pillow. If I make plans to do something, I have to think about him, can I take him with me, does the shop, hotel, or restaurant accept dogs, etc.
Yes, these are problems that only dog owners understand. However, we will still love them and do everything for them.
Thanks for this great article!
Thank you for taking the time to post about the article and I am glad that you enjoyed the content. Indeed the vacuum is not appreciated in our home
Hi thanks for this post, it made me laugh as yes I could relate to all of the problems lol. The only one that didn’t apply was the casting one as the breed of dog I have doesn’t cast so I don’t have that problem.
There were so many of them that had me nodding my head in agreement.
I am so glad that you enjoyed the post and that it made you laugh. It is deeply appreciated.
Sincere thanks